Only if example sentences

These rules will work only if the winner cannot change them very easily.Whenever semantics of reality require that every entity of an entity type must relate to another entity type, such an entity can exist only if it participates in that specific relationship.Suppose you want to buy toothpaste, and the shop owner says that she can sell the toothpaste only if you buy a tooth brush.Foreign economic agents will accept a national currency only if they are convinced that the currency will maintain a stable purchasing power.The group header and footer are available in a report only if the sort order and grouping levels are also defined on the basis of a field of data source.“I'll cooperate only if you give up this idea about him being an escaped crook,” said Seven.Rather, these problems can be resolved only if we examine their psychological causes.He grew cells from a monarch s wing in a culture and showed that the cells would divide and develop into normal butterfly wing scales only if they were fed the hormone from the gold spots.A cooperative goal, on the other hand, is one in which each individual can attain the goal only if other members of the group also attain the goal.This becomes possible only if the information provided by the financial statements is based on consistent accounting policies, principles and practices.Skoog and his co-workers observed that from the internodal segments of tobacco stems the callus (a mass of undifferentiated cells) proliferated only if, in addition to auxins the nutrients medium was supplemented with one of the following: extracts of vascular tissues, yeast extract, coconut milk or DNA.Also the comparison between the financial results of two enterprises would be meaningful only if same kind of accounting methods and policies are adopted in the preparation of financial statements.For flow of charges in a conducting metallic wire, the gravity, of course, has no role to play; the electrons move only if there is a difference of electric pressure – called the potential difference – along the conductor.Each is beneficiary of the reward and reward is possible only if all contribute.The reaction quotient changes only if the added gas is a reactant or product involved in the reaction.

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